Photography Tips: Taking Couple Photos Outside


Having your photos taken as a couple is a fun and exciting activity, not to mention that it is a good bonding moment between the two of you. Whether it is for your pre-nuptial, anniversary, or simply something that you want to do together, getting your shots somewhere picturesque as a couple is something that you both should prepare for.

Here, we will discuss a couple of tips (pun intended) you could follow when having your shots taken outdoors by your favorite Salt Lake City photographer.

Communicate with Your Photographer

The first thing you have to do is to make sure that you are properly communicating with your photographer. You definitely want to let them know about the theme and the poses that you are eyeing on. Remember that they have to prepare for it as well, which is why you should inform them about all of the details in your shoot weeks before the actual one.

Ask for their contact details — their mobile number, e-mail, or even their Whatsapp username. Create a group chat and add your partner and photographer in it. This way, everybody will get the chance to voice out their opinions and suggestions.

Check the Weather

As you are doing the shoot outdoors, you definitely would want to check the weather before scheduling the actual photoshoot. Who knows, a typhoon could be coming on the week of your shoot. You have to schedule during a sunny day, so you can get the most out of the sun and its natural lighting.

If you are looking for a bit of a dramatic shoot and want to involve a little bit of rain or snow here and there, then schedule it during the monsoon season. You should tell the photographer about this as soon as possible, as they have to prepare for this properly and use the right type of equipment that can withstand rain and even snow.

Choose the Right Place

Choose a place that is memorable for both you and your partner. It can be somewhere you have met, somewhere you have celebrated your favorite anniversary, or basically, a place wherein you and your partner have lots of memories.

Let the photographer in on this story, so they can go around and incorporate it into your photos. A single photo can tell a story and as long as you hire the right photographer for the job and follow these tips, then you are all set.

Practice the Poses

Couple taking a photo

Before the shoot, make sure to practice a couple of poses with your partner. This will make the process faster and would allow you to take more photos with your photographer. You can also ask for suggestions or look up some inspiration. Make sure that both you and your partner are comfortable with all of the poses that you are planning on doing.

Talk to your partner and photographer before, during, and after the shoot so you will be sure that everything will go smoothly. Good luck and do not forget to have tons of fun!

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