Three Basic Photography Tips for Beginners

photographers working

One of the most commonly sought-after professions by young adults today is photography. It’s one of those careers that was born out of passion. Today, there are over 119 thousand photographers in the USA alone, most of them belonging to the millennial age group.

Because of its popularity, and of course, the fact that you get to earn money doing something you enjoy, more and more people are beginning to pursue photography as a career. We see photographers getting hired in marketing agencies, corporate video production companies, event organizing firms, etc. But taking photos for a living is more than just knowing how to navigate your iPhone camera. There are specific skill sets needed to take on the job. That’s why there are universities offering courses on photography and visual arts.

If you’re interested in pursuing a photography career, here are some tips to get you started.

Learn how to hold a camera

This might seem like a pretty easy job. But you’ll be surprised to learn that a lot of photographers, whether newbies or professionals, don’t know how to properly handle their cameras. The result is unstable hands that can cause a photo to be blurry or a video to become shaky.

The proper way to hold a camera is with your right hand gripped to the body and your left hand supporting the weight of the lens. Keep the camera as close to your body as comfortable. This will ensure a stiller and firmer grasp.

camera on pink background

Master the elements of exposure

Taking a picture may seem as simple as positioning the DSLR camera and clicking the shutter button. But there is actually more to consider, such as the room lighting, mobility of the subject, and the surroundings.

In photography terms, these factors can be moderated and controlled through the use of the elements of exposure: ISO, aperture, and shutter speed. ISO refers to the camera’s light sensitivity. The higher your ISO setting is, the more sensitive it is to light. Aperture is the measurement of your lens opening. If your aperture is set to a wide value, the more light goes through, resulting in a focused photograph. Last but not least is the shutter speed. This setting controls how quickly the shutter of your camera closes when you take a photo. It’s the element that can control the movement of your subject. If you’re shooting a moving object, you want a faster shutter speed so that the camera responds quickly and can freeze your subject.

These elements of exposure are essential for you to master so that you can take high-quality photos every time. You’ll need to adjust these settings manually, depending on what you are shooting and the light conditions in the area.

Find the right balance

When taking a photo, we tend to put the subject at the center. But contrary to popular belief, this is not the best practice. In photography, there is a concept known as the rule of thirds. According to this rule, a photo is more balanced when the subject is placed along the points of intersection on a grid.

When taking a photo, imagine your image divided into nine equal sections. Some cameras have a grid feature you can turn on to make it easier for you to find the points of intersection. Instead of positioning your subject at the center, play with the grid and place the important elements of a scene along one of the grid lines. Of course, you can break this rule later when you’ve mastered how to position your points of interest.

Photography is a beautiful art form, and definitely a fun and exciting career to pursue. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to making a name for yourself in the photography industry.

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