Logo Lessons From the Marvel That is the Marvel Logo

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When people think of the face of the Marvel universe (whether it’s the comics or the cinematic universe), most will probably picture creator Stan Lee and his basket of heroes — Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-Man and the rest. But for most people, they picture the highly stylized cinematic Marvel logo present on all comics, merchandise and MCU film intros.

The Marvel universe shot to fame in recent years thanks to its billion-dollar superhero movies. Currently, the universe is expanding to the world of Disney+ as the company produces more superhero series, like “WandaVision,” “The Falcon and The Winter Soldier,” “Loki” and “Ms. Marvel,” among others. With these movies and TV series plus more comics and merchandise, you’re sure to see more of the Marvel logo.

Whether it’s the Marvel Studios logo or the Marvel Comics logo, the big and bold red and white Marvel logo makes the company memorable. If details define the brand, the logo defines Marvel. Thanks to a long story rebranding and adjustments, Marvel created a logo that immortalizes their company, its heroes and their stories.

The Marvel logo may look simple but it underwent a long journey that inspires other businesses to create visuals that are recognizable, friendly and easy to remember.

An Origin Story: Who Designed the Marvel Logo?


Before the first Marvel Comics logo appeared in 1957, the company started producing comics in 1939 under a different name, Timely Comics. Publisher Martin Goodman designed the original Timely Comics logo, which was a red-white-and-blue medieval European heater shield. The original design looked like Captain America’s first shield from his first comics, which was one of the company’s bestsellers.

In the 1950s, Timely Comics changed its name to Atlas Comics. The change resulted in a logo switch, too. By 1957, Stan Lee was already writing several comics for the company when Atlas Comics started using the “Marvel Comics” logo, which was just a black circle on a red background with the word “Marvel Comics.”

During the early 1960s, Marvel released another version of their logo. This time, only the letters “M” and “C” were printed above each other. It wasn’t as memorable as its predecessors and it wasn’t as impressionable as the logo of DC Comics, Marvel’s top competitor.

By 1963, Marvel’s Age of Golden Comics began as Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Jack Kirby and other comic book writer greats published timeless classics like “The Amazing Spider-Man,” “The Fantastic Four” and “The Incredible Hulk.” The company decided to reflect this new age in their logo. The new Marvel logo read “Marvel Comics Group,” which was one of the few logos that didn’t go through distinctive changes in a long while. Although the logo changed fonts and sizes through the 1970s and the 1980s, it still looked the same.

When Marvel introduced the “Ultimate Marvel” imprint during the early 2000s, the company created a new logo — the word “Marvel” written in bold white within a red box. Marvel’s new logo look was so popular that the company adopted it for its books and used it as a basis for the Marvel Studios logo, as well as the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s earlier films. With the latter, the logo eventually evolved into a flipbook-type logo, which serves as the intro of today’s MCU movies.

The Marvel logo origin story is a long journey. It has since transformed into one of the most memorable entertainment logos out there. At the same time, it has also shown the importance of continually building your brand by building your logo. Note: watch out for current design trends, too.

The Earlier Marvel Logos Were All About Awareness


Marvel Comics’ first logo in 1957 served as the final rebranding for the company. The following changes were only small adjustments like simplifying the logo or adjusting the company name. The original logo, however, looked like a plain stamp topped off with a golden wheat leaf.

Also, Marvel did not practice adding the same logotype to all of its films, comics and merchandise. From 1961 to 1963, the company’s attention to detail became more apparent. The brand created logos for all of its superheroes and villains. Captain Marvel’s logo was different from that of The Hulk’s and the other superheroes. Also, comic book enthusiasts noticed that comic books often featured the word “MC.”

There was no whole “she-bang” with the logo; initially, the logo was made for awareness. Marvel wanted viewers to remember them with a minimalistic logo that stayed in line with their branding (the red and the black colors). Even today, Marvel’s logo is simple yet eye-catching.

When designing a logo, less is more. Refrain from going overboard with the design. Instead, keep it simple and readable. A simple image and a nice text treatment work well together. If you are lucky, you can combine the text and image into a single mark. Consider the Marvel logo: the word MARVEL is written in big white letters and sits on a red box. It’s simple but it makes you very aware of it.

Logos are the visual influence of your business, but you don’t have to overdo the visuals.

Logo Adjustments are Necessary Sometimes


Marvel had other versions of their logo before they released the one people know today. Why? Time passed and the logo had to appeal to a bigger audience, which composed of newer and younger fans. The impact of the modern Marvel logo is more appealing compared to the previous versions.

Even before, Marvel knew the importance of always adjusting its logos. The company experimented with different logos on different comic books:

  • 1967-1987. The logo had the word “MARVEL” written across an orange comic-book font. Popular characters surrounded the logo. This list included The Thing, Iron Man, Black Widow and Captain America. Although Marvel did not include all of their characters, they decided to showcase their leading superheroes.
  • 1987-2002. Marvel took a page from MTV’s old logo. The Marvel logo used to have a large and red stylized M. In the center of the M was the word ‘Comics’ in a yellow and funky font.

Evolutions happen to logos — not just to superheroes. Even if you’re contented with your logo today, accept that you’ll have to refresh it in the future.

Some signs indicate that it’s time to redesign your logo:

  • It no longer represents your company’s changes. Businesses and nonprofits evolve. As a result, your current logo will not accurately reflect what you do if it doesn’t change with you.
  • It makes customers think they’ve traveled back in time (and not the fun type of travel with Dr. Strange). Think of it this way: you won’t visit a website that was designed 10 years ago. The outdated design can discourage you from searching the website further. When people see that your logo looks outdated, they’ll think your business is out-of-touch with modern practices. Consider updating your logo once every five years.
  • It’s no longer in line with your rebranding. If you changed how you present your business through rebranding, updating your logo should be part of your efforts. Even if you like your current logo, give it polish.

Other Learning Nuggets from Marvel’s Logo Journey

The first version of the modern Marvel logo was released in 2002. Since then, the company has continued adjusting it to make all the elements look more harmonious. The recent adjustments happened in 2016 when Marvel added the word “Studios” to its name. They announced its release during the 2016 Comic-Con, which included the exciting fanfare fans love.

These marketing initiatives offer branding lessons all businesses can use. Consider the following:

  • Brand extensions don’t have to interfere with your brand. By connecting your side products to your main products and/or services, you improve their familiarity with customers.
  • If you don’t have a logo yet, start simple. Simple isn’t boring; it can mean versatile, appealing and easy-to-remember.
  • Once you gain the appreciation of the mainstream audience, adjust your visuals tone, message and image. Be consistent with your branding, though.
  • Consider circumstances. By the time the Marvel Studios logo was released, Disney had already purchased the company.

The face of Marvel is not just Captain America, Iron Man, and the rest of its superheroes — it’s the logo, too. The logo’s development, evolution and continual changes are keys to Marvel’s branding as a whole. If you’re building your logo or debating on whether you should update it or not, take inspiration from one of the biggest media and entertainment companies. Follow Marvel’s steps to make a super logo of your own.

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