Five Pitfalls When Planning an Event and What You Can Do to Avoid Them

planning and scheduling

Are you planning an event? Then you can feel the pressure the moment you learn about you being in charge. Whether you’re planning for an intimate birthday bash, a wedding, an anniversary, or a corporate event, you’d want to ensure success in every aspect of the occasion.

As the designated event manager, you are to take full responsibility for the event’s outcome. Of course, you’d want to do every possible thing to make it a success. But how? Now that the pressure is on, you must avoid the following pitfalls:

Not having enough time to plan everything out

It is easy to procrastinate, especially if you have already managed a similar event before. This is especially true if you already know vendors or suppliers whom you can call at times like these. Planning at the earliest date possible helps ensure that the event will be successful. So prepare your pen and notes and start drafting a timeline as soon as you learn about the event. This way, you’ll have enough time to fix any complications that may arise.

Keep an open line of communication

As the event date continues to draw near, the tension and hype increase. To make sure that you’ve got everything under control, get a hold of everyone responsible for the event. This includes not only your team members but your vendors and attendees as well. Remind attendees of the event date and time. Call in your suppliers to confirm the services or products that they will be catering at the event. Make sure that you and your team sends and receives the right message.

Failure to manage vendors effectively

Planning an event, especially the big ones, will require you to work with different vendors. They will either offer products or services needed to make the event a success. Make sure to work with only reliable vendors who are known for their excellent service. For instance, when hiring a company that offers audiovisual equipment rentals in Utah, hire recommended providers with excellent reviews only. Always review the details and call them days before the event to make sure that they can deliver.

Not having a contingency plan

blurred convention scenario

It is true that a successful event starts by drafting a plan based on your smart objectives. But are you prepared in case something doesn’t go as planned? Even the most well-prepared event planners are aware that their “fool-proof” plan can go haywire. Make sure to have at least two backup plans in place. This way, you can avoid last-minute panics and ensure that issues are resolved asap.

Not knowing how to allocate resources properly

How you develop and manage your budget can have a huge impact on the event. It is best to overestimate the costs in anticipation of unexpected expenses. Be transparent about every resource used and keep an open line of communication within your team. Always keep receipts and ensure that all details are correct. Understand what each fee represents and keep tabs of every spending. Stay within your budget and avoid overspending.

Planning an event can be time-consuming. It can give you unnecessary headaches and even drain your energy. However, it is never impossible for you to execute a successful event. With careful planning and budgeting, you can increase your chances of managing a successful event.

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