Connection for Attention: How Advertisers Use Art to Win Customers

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Art and advertising have a long history. Through the years, images grabbed the attention of customers and historians alike as they provide a glimpse of society, wherever and whenever the campaign was released. Successful marketing campaigns evoke emotion, thought, and encourage action from their audience.

With social media platforms providing access to art worldwide, anyone can view pieces online without having to leave their home. This convenience is used by advertisers to target campaigns to their consumer base. Since the communication will be solely through a picture- be it on a billboard or the phones of potential clients, the right professional commercial photographer is key to creating an experience for the audience that will express the intention of the campaign. After all, you are aware of the nuances of communicating and how messages can mean something else, depending on the context.

There are three ways art involves itself in determining a marketing campaign:

Using Human Connection To Grab Your Attention

Art depicts the human narrative in the timeline it is in. This collective interpretation of experiences provides context to those who may retroactively seek information regarding culture. In the same way, most people today are interested in learning more about the society they live in. You might even feel less alone once you find someone who has the same experience as you do. Therefore, this interest in finding out new information about your peers can provide advertisers the direction they need to sustain your attention.

Marketing campaigns may have started by assuming what people are interested in but as your preferences become more available to the public, it is easier to personalize advertisements. Companies are now aware of what can grab your attention and use this information to target their campaigns. You might have noticed that your recent google search for something that you need, like a ruler, resulted in a pop-up of a related sale on school supplies.

Aside from what you post online, advertising agencies would have noticed the appeal of positive values to their audience. Campaigns that revolve around a sense of community, hard work, or similar experiences among a culture are considered to be more relevant and attention-grabbing, rather than one without much relevance to the target audience. People are captivated when they are piqued by a story just like theirs or similar to a story of someone they know. The ability of art to depict a human narrative makes it promising enough to reach as many people as possible.

advertising concept

Art For Thought

When confronted with commentary, it often leaves you with something to be pensive about at the end of the day. Artists use their work as a medium for satire or to encourage discourse about a prevailing experience in society. In the same way, advertising can benefit from this desire for a profound understanding of the universe.

Although not everyone may be interested in all art, there are some that speak into the soul of its viewers. This is akin to how some campaigns may be successful to some audiences but not for every person that comes into contact with them. Once the image used in the advertisement can present a message that will leave its audience thinking, it is a lot easier to associate the brand with those thoughts.

When art is used by advertisers to depict human nature and leave them with an open-ended thought, it can also be considered as part of their corporate social responsibility. By being outspoken on important issues in society, it will indicate the morals of that company. Since social consumerism is on the rise, customers look for products that have a story that they can use to signal their own virtues.

Embedding Brands Into Culture

Similar to how Andy Warhol’s infamous Campbell art is mingled with one another, advertisers can make use of creative design to attract customers beyond normal advertisement. For instance, you might be more interested in a clever and artistic way to present a brand name rather than seeing a plain logo. Art connects corporations to cultures by integrating itself within the narrative, becoming exactly what it is trying to represent- a brand embedded in your day-to-day life.

Ever since brand names became interchangeable with the product or service they offer, it is clear how humans have evolved side by side with advertising. As art continues in its complexity, there might be no better way to represent the increasingly puzzling nuances of humanity. In turn, your appreciation of art in advertising can only provide you with more understanding of the world you live in.

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