Enroll Your Kids in an International School in Dubai

Portrait of cute schoolboy drawing at workplace among his classmates

Dubai is a booming city with plenty of opportunities for migrants. A LinkedIn survey discovered that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) received the most foreign talent in 2017. So, it’s no wonder that many people are looking to move here with their families.

But if you’re planning on moving to Dubai, you’ll need to adjust your lifestyle to fit in with the local culture. That is especially true if you have school-aged children. Finding a school that is the right fit for your family is crucial to ensuring a smooth transition into Dubai life.

Most parents opt to send their children to an international school. These schools offer curricula from all over the world, making them more attractive to families looking for global education. But with so many schools to choose from, making a decision can be challenging.

Here are a few tips on how to get into an international school in Dubai:

Research the curricula offered by the school

If you’re looking for an international school in Dubai, research the different curricula. Many schools offer British, American, and IB (International Baccalaureate) programs, and you’ll need to decide which is ideal for your family.

The internet is an excellent resource for researching schools. Many websites and forums allow parents to read reviews from other families. It can be a valuable way to get an insight into what life is like at a particular school. You can also ask your friends or colleagues for recommendations.

Most importantly, don’t forget to visit the schools in person. It will give you a better idea of the learning environment and whether it’s the right fit for your child. Doing so will allow you to see the campus and meet the teachers. It’s also an excellent opportunity to ask questions about what you’re looking for in a school. This way, you can be sure you’re making an informed decision.

Consider your child’s learning style and needs

Before you search for an international school, it’s essential to consider your child’s learning style and needs. Some children do better in a structured environment, while others learn best when they have the freedom to explore. You’ll also need to consider whether your child has special educational needs. If so, you’ll need to find a school that can cater to those needs.

Some schools are more competitive, so you’ll need to decide whether that’s the right learning environment for your child. If unsure, speaking to an educational consultant is a good idea. They will be able to advise you on which type of school is best for your child.

Ask about the school’s admissions process

Every school has a different admission process, so you’ll need to find out about the requirements of each school you’re considering. For example, some schools may require an entrance exam, while others don’t.

British school admissions in UAE are often on a first-come, first-served basis, so applying as early as possible is essential. The same is true for American schools. However, IB schools have a more competitive admissions process. These schools often require an interview and may ask for your child’s previous academic records.

Some schools also have a waiting list, so it’s essential to ask about the admissions timeline when researching schools. Nonetheless, the best way to find out about a school’s admissions process is to contact the school directly. They will be able to tell you everything you need to know about enrolling your child.

a woman writing on a document while using a laptop on a desk

Prepare the required documents

The admissions process will vary from school to school. Still, you will usually need to submit some or all of the following documents:

  • Your child’s birth certificate
  • Your child’s passport
  • Your child’s vaccination records
  • A recent photo of your child
  • Your family’s residency visa
  • Your family’s Emirates ID

Preparing these documents in advance will make the admissions process much smoother. So, start gathering them as soon as you begin considering schools.

Pay the tuition fee

Once you’ve been offered a place at the school, you’ll need to pay the tuition fee. The amount will vary depending on the school and your child’s program.

Some schools offer discounts for siblings, so it’s worth asking about this when you’re inquiring about fees. You may also be able to negotiate a lower cost if you’re paying upfront or if you have a relative who works at the school. So, it’s worth asking about this when speaking to the school’s admissions office.

Enrolling your child in an international school in Dubai is an exciting step. But it’s also a big decision. Use the tips above to help choose the right school for your family. Doing so will ensure your child gets the best education possible. With that said, you’re one step closer to giving your child the international education they deserve.

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